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Contrary to popular belief
  • 03/09/2025

Ramses II: The Pharaoh with Over 100 Children and a Legacy Carved in Stone

Ramses II was a king of Egypt who reigned for 66 years from 1279 to 1213 BC. At the age of...
  • 03/09/2025

The Life and Death of Tutankhamun: Secrets of the Boy King

He took the throne at the age of nine after the death of his father, Akhenaten, for...
  • 03/18/2025

Which non-Egyptian queen ruled Egypt?

Dozens of films have been made about the life of Queen Cleopatra, and millions of...
  • 03/18/2025

The most supportive wives in the Pharaonic era

Queen Nefertiti joined her husband in worshipping the new religion of Aton, the...
  • 03/18/2025

One of the most beautiful mosques in Cairo

The Sultan Hassan Mosque and Madrasa is one of the largest and highest built mosques...
  • 03/18/2025

Ancient Egyptian Life

The individuals who built the pyramids and other Egyptian monuments were...

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Lavinia-Maria Ichim

Lavinia-Maria Ichim

Recomand cu mare drag echipa RA, noi am fost foarte mulțumiți de serviciile lor ❤ Am fost cu ei la snorkeling, cu submarinul, am vizitat orașul Hurghada și am făcut excursia de o zi în Cairo-Giza. Echipa este punctuala si foarte ospitaliera ❤ Nu veți regreta daca iti vei alege în călătoria voastra ❤